“Happiness Inside” is a positive self-reinforcement and uplifting creed that empowers every member of our community (Circle). The hi circle is primarily for individuals seeking greater meaning and purpose beyond materialism, sensuality, and feasting, and those willing to face life courageously. Suppose a poor person in the heart of Africa can experience pure joy and fulfillment with nothing. In that case, the rich or poor individual from developed countries has no excuse for the continued experience of hollowness and despair. The foundation of the happiness inside circle (hi circle) is that individual “happiness is a matter of choice.”
Many people feel stuck and entrapped by a society that seems eternally thirsty for their God-given assets (Time, Talent, and Freedom) in exchange for money that never seems enough to bring happiness and fulfillment. At the same time, when one must come face-to-face with themselves in solemn silence, a clear and loud inner voice incessantly warns one to change course and embark on a new and refreshing path. Unfortunately, the cumbersome and complex social norms seem impossible to envision a way out of confusion; therefore, many people get discouraged and hide behind social masks and avatars and resolve to exist or let the circumstances usher them through life like a dead leaf in the wind. What a waste for the individual and society in general!
Observe that natural forces and laws transform a vegetable seed of a fruit into a tree capable of bearing its kinds in multiple folds and don’t need human contribution or opinions. Just like the seed, you too have the potential to become someone exceptional because history testifies that others before you have done it. After all, you are a human being, at the very least, equally, if not more important than a vegetable seed. Even though everyone came to this earth alone at birth and will return alone at death, no one came empty-handed, and no one is too insignificant to have greater meaning and purpose. The secret in life resides in getting to know and understand your true potential, the Laws of the Universe (or Nature), and having the will, determination, and commitment to change and become the fully blossomed best version of yourself.
When we change for the best, our priorities and worldview change. We can distinguish between the useful and the useless and gain awareness, clarity, and control. Knowledge is the key to self-empowerment. You can only fully understand others once you undoubtedly know your true self. You can have genuine empathy for others only once you fully understand yourself and successfully overcome the type of struggles they are experiencing in life. There is no more remarkable achievement than helping a fellow human who was desperately lost but kept trying. It is when one finds pure joy and satisfaction only from the gift of giving that one becomes
The Hi Circle will become the largest community that promotes freedom, positivity, empathy, and life skills to help members take complete control of their lives. My sincere hope and wish are for this community to serve as a temporary medium for individuals to become self-confident and self-empowered enough to move on with their lives, enjoy their freedom, or start their hi circles. Suppose anything said thus far finds an echo inside and resonates with you. In that case, I invite you to embark on your transformational journey by joining the happiness inside circle.